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Worried about a child?

If you think that a child or young person under 18 is being harmed

or is in danger do not wait until you are certain. 

Share your concerns.

Remember - safeguarding children is everyone's responsibility.

Including you.

Who should I contact?


            In emergency always phone the Police on 999 immediately.


Contact Children's Social Care - please follow the links below: click on the name of the city and it will direct you to the correct information and contact details

Children's Social Care:





You can also contact the NSPCC to report concerns about a child, to get advoice and support:

PHONE 0808 800 5000

TEXT MESSAGE 88858 to report concerns about a child


This service is free, anonymous and open 24 hours a day.


Find out more


Children and young people who are worried about their safety and do not want to speak with the police or children's social services can contact childline on 0800 1111.

It's free and operates 24 hours a day.


                        to find out more.

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