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About Us

Established by parents in 1986, Families in Care has been a registered charity since 1992 and is firmly recognised as a professional organisation by the Judiciary and Child Care professionals across Tyneside.

Emerging out of parents own identified needs, from the very beginning Families in Care has been placing parents at the heart of the service. Creating a service delivery model that is nurturing, non-judgemental, holistic and most importantly in partnership with birth parents it has drawn from expertise delivered by parents, practitioners and other professionals. Over the years, Families in Care has developed a unique service, providing free specialist advocacy, counselling, wellbeing and education for birth parents and high quality training opportunities for law and social work students at all levels.

Welcome to Families in Care.

I have the highest regard for Families in Care; they have been immeasurably helpful not only to clients of mine but to parents and other family members where, say my involvement was as a solicitor for the child or children.”


                                                                                       Family Solicitor

child protection advocacy, support, adoption support
child protection advocacy, support, adoption support
Why we do it

The simple answer is - because people tell us that they need our service.


And because we are passionate about it.


Parents and grandparents involved in complex child protection proceedings tell us that too often they find the process overwhelming, stressful, scary and difficult to understand. Families in Care works to reduce the stress and distress experienced by birth families involved with Child Protection Services; ensuring that vulnerable families are informed, included and supported.


As stressed by Family Rights Group, helping parents to understand their rights and choices they have supports the process of partnership working between them and local authorities, meaning better engagement and improved chances for children. While working with parents and other family members, we are playing our full part in safeguarding and working together to meet the needs of vulnerable children.

           (Working Together to Safeguard Children Guidance, 2013)







child protection advocacy, support, adoption suppor
What we do


Families in Care provides an independent advocacy and counselling for parents and other family members involved with child protection services across Tyneside. We accept referrals from concerned professionals as well as service users themselves. Please contact us for more details.


We also offer weely drop-in group for parents, where they can meet others in similar situation, arrange one-to-one appointment with the member of our team, get advice and share their experiences.


Mothers who have very limited or no contact with their chidren can access our adoption self-support group, where in a safe and friendly environment they can talk about their experiences and receive both professional and peer support.


Our agency has been also providing successful practice learning opportunities for social work students as well as taking part in training students of family law. Students, Newly Qualified Social Workers and advocates can access our training packages prepared and delivered by our service users and qualified social workers.



child protection advocacy, support, adoption suppor


Never be afraid to raise your voice for honesty and truth and compassion against injustice.

If people all over the world...would do this, it would change the earth.



                     William Faulkner

Where we work


Families in Care provides direct service on outreach basis in Newcastle upon Tyne. Please contact us for more information.


Please contact us if you have an enquiry regarding support for for birth families who live outside of our agency's practice area.







Our team


Families in Care employs dedicated qualified social workers and a counsellor. We are grateful for receiving help from our passionate volunteers who dedicate their skills and time to enhance our work in counselling, advocacy and therapeutic activities fields.

They are all passionate people working together to support some of the most vulnerable and isolated members of our society. All members of our team have necessary knowledge and experience in the child protection field and are driven by common values of empowerment, humanity and justice.




'It is a priviledge to work with so inspiring, dedicated and passionate individuals. I believe that our strenght is that here, in Families in Care, our values are our bottom line, our starting and ending point, with the humility in a face of real personal experience and people's struggles being at the core of our ethos.'









child protection advocacy, support, adoption suppor
Key documents








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